The abbreviation NEED means Network of Energy Excellence for Development and therewith describes already the central idea of the project: The establishment of a research network in the field of Renewable Energies in Southern Africa. Four universities and one research centre from Zambia, Namibia, Botswana and Germany have joined their forces to create structures for the development of technical know-how in the field of renewable energies, to interlink relevant stakeholders and to foster the awareness and the willingness to take actions for renewable energies on political level in the target countries. Of central importance therefore are the following three fields of action

  • the development of dual study programmes
  • the harmonization of industry standards and
  • the pooling of research activities in the field of RE.

Besides this three fields of activities two energy concepts for remote areas – a dryland area and a wetland region – will be conceptualised. The project is scheduled for three years and funded by the European Union.

NEED Project Overview